How long do Rabbits live?

The very first rabbits originated in northern Europe. Around 12,000 years ago, the Ice Age forced them to migrate south. When the ice receded, the rabbit’s habitat was confined to southern Spain. Wild rabbits of Europe and North Africa are thought to have been...

Tips for Breeding Rabbits

Housing male and female rabbits together is a sure way to guarantee offspring. How old to breed Spring is the best season for breeding rabbits; you must make sure that your Doe (female) is at least six months old before breeding. Females reach sexual maturity at 4-5...

Rabbit Fur Vest

Around 120 rabbits are required to create a single Rabbit Fur Vest. So, when people come to know that the vest they like too much is made from the fur obtained by killing minks, they shudder. Rabbit fur is used to create not only vests, but also cardigan trims, hat...